We believe that learning in the Virtual Classroom has important benefits for STEAM learners. We also know that the virtual classroom can be an overwhelming place for some students. Tech expectations for kids are at an all-time high, and finding a new balance to combat Zoom fatigue is critical. 

Starfire has researched the best ways to experience the pros of learning via Zoom’s while leaving behind the cons. 
We’re sharing Starfire approved strategies to help create balance and fight off Zoom fatigue for your child:

Find a place for Zoom 

Create a space in your home where school always takes place. If possible, kids should only take Zoom calls in this at-home learning environment to manage school boundaries within the home. Creating physical boundaries for school helps mentally prepare kids for learning, and also allows for different parts of the home to feel more relaxing.

Tweak Zoom settings

Help your learner lessen performance anxiety and self-consciousness on camera. Change the settings on Zoom to "Gallery View." This feature shows all class members in equal-sized frames on screen. 

Focus on the speaker 

Kids should practice shifting their focus to whoever is speaking, whether it's a teacher or another student. When kids focus on the speaker, rather than their own image during a meeting, they can use their energy to learn, rather than feel self-conscious.

Discourage multitasking

Encourage your child to pay attention and to avoid multitasking. Doing multiple tasks at once taxes the brain and results in mental fatigue. Focusing on the topic will help with your child’s academic efforts as well. Encourage the use of only one device at a time.


Provide your child with a doodle pad to draw or doodle while still listening. Doodling is a physical expression of mental processing, especially if the doodling includes key words or images from the discussion. Doodling also adds a new and purposeful visual focus and can even reinforce discussion topics later if your child is listening well.

Find a friendly face

Encourage your kid to find a Zoom buddy! Prearrange a time for the kids to make connections outside of group Zoom calls. If kids log on to their Zoom class knowing they have a buddy to make eye contact with and exchange an intentional friendly smile with, they will have a personal connection to look forward to during the class. 

Practice compassion and kindness

Kids, parents, and teachers are being asked to show up and participate in learning in ways we have never explored before. Practicing compassion and kindness for everyone on the call is vital and can even overcome some of Zoom’s limiting factors. If your child is having a hard time focusing, one tool they can use to stay present is to listen to the speaker with compassion and wish them kindness as they share. This strategy requires pre-teaching, and possibly gentle reminders during class.

Find new ways to connect

Find safe, socially distant ways for kids to connect with peers. Consider creative options like writing and sending cards, creating chalk art outside of friend’s homes, recording a sing-song for family members, or scheduling an outdoor meet-up with masks as an alternative to video calls. We all need to connect!

Find time outside

Getting outside can help kids find balance. If air quality allows, take a walk or go to the park! While working at home, open the windows and let the sunshine or the breeze blow through the workspace. See if you can match time outside to time spent on video calls. 

In short, we can work to offset Zoom fatigue by encouraging compassion, tweaking Zoom’s features, creating a physical Zoom space in the home, and building in time to be outside. 

Get in touch with the Starfire team with questions about how to maximize your Virtual Classroom experience.